Unhappy reaching passive or difficult positions with Black? Fed up with having to learn many different defences to all of White's attacks? Then these two books are the answer to the player's problems! Together they provide Black with a complete repertoire against all White opening systems. Lines that are suggested in these books are sound, fun to play, and promise Black dynamic counterplay. All-in-one solutions that are easy to master, these books are especially useful for players who have neither the time nor inclination to learn reams and reams of the latest opening theory.
-- Complete defences to all White openings
-- Easy-to-learn lines are recommended
-- Written by battle-hardened experts
International Master Jacob Aagaard provides an all-in-one solution to the popular opening move 1 d4 and other White systems that do not involve 1 e4. Throughout this work, Aagaard delves into the strategies, ideas, and tactics for Black, while also showing the possible traps and pitfalls.
Everyman Chess (2002)
174 pages